31 October 2013
Prestigious National Award for FIMETI


Nick Riddiford, co-ordinator of FIMETI, won the Marine Conservation category (sponsored by Marine Scotland) at the  prestigious RSPB Nature of Scotland Environmental Awards ceremony at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Edinburgh on Wednesday 30th October, 2013.

The Award was presented to Nick by Richard Lochhead MSP (Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment). Fred MacAulay (comedian and radio presenter) was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening and Sally Magnusson (TV presenter) was the Co-Host.

Nick Riddiford, along with the whole community of Fair Isle, has been working tirelessly since 1989 to establish better marine protection around Fair Isle. The ultimate goal of this initiative is a management regime sympathetic to the long-term needs of the sea and its users; most particularly the island community for whom a healthy, protected marine environment is socially, culturally and economically essential. More ...



Further information about the Nature of Scotland Awards....


The 2013 Nature of Scotland Award trophies were designed and hand-crafted by Selkirk-based woodturner Neil Fyffe, with support from the Forestry Commission of Scotland.



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