
Project Aims -

  • To provide adequate protection for the marine environment surrounding Fair Isle in recognition of its cultural as well as its environmental values and traditions for the benefit of the Isle, its inhabitants, its visitors and the nation.


  • To demonstrate the continued role and value of safeguarding the marine resource through sustainable management as traditionally practised by Fair Isle folk.


  • To maintain and enhance the marine environment and related traditional activities currently and for future generations.


  • To provide facilities and interpretation which will

             a) benefit and serve tourists;

             b) widen the range of tourism atractions offered by the Isle;

            c) make Fair Isle a model and a focal point for environmentally positive tourism.


  • To initiate and act as a model for integrated protection, interpretation and appreciation of the marine environment, setting national and international standards for one of Britain's most neglected conservation issues.


Project Objectives -

  1. To develop a comprehensive marine environment baseline to achieve a better understanding of Fair Isle's marine environment and to allow for the planning of future management.
  2. To provide resources for and development of interpretive programmes and dissemination in all appropriate forms which will demonstrate the richness and importance of the marine environment, particularly as it applies to Fair Isle.
  3. To serve as a focus for visitors of all age groups and levels of interest through a programme of participation which will introduce members of the public to active study and understanding of the marine environment.

An integrated approach has been engaged, combining all three objectives outlined above, to meet the aims of providing a resource for education, conservation and general public access to and appreciation of the marine environment; and to develop a standard in marine protection, research and interpretation which will provide a model for marine sites at the national and international level.

Text and photographs Copyright Fair Isle Marine Environment and Tourism Initiative. All rights reserved.

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