

Over the past 25 years FIMETI has produced a number of  reports related to the need for sustainable use and management of Fair Isle's marine resource.

The following publications led to a

Proposal for a Marine Protected Area for the Waters around Fair Isle (MPA) 

which was presented by the Fair Isle community to the Scottish Government in December 2011.



With the financial help of Scottish Office Rural Challenge and RSPB funding, FIMETI produced two policy reports in 1997 and 1998:

  • "Managing the Sea for Birds - Fair Isle and Adjacent Waters" (1997)


  • "Safeguarding Our Heritage" - the Fair Isle marine resource, a community proposal for its sustainable management" (1998).


From 2009, the isle has worked with the North Atlantic Fisheries College in the preparation of a local Marine Spatial Plan as part of the Scottish government's Scottish Sustainable Marine Environment Initiative (SSMEI.


In 2011, Fair Isle produced its own Marine Action Plan -

  • Fair Isle Marine Action Plan which encompasses the community's environmental, social and economic aspirations for the marine resource.


The above led to -




A number of booklets relating to various aspects of the natural and cultural values of the Fair Isle marine resource were also prepared and published in 2003-04. Some of these are still in stock and are available for sale.


Text and photographs Copyright Fair Isle Marine Environment and Tourism Initiative. All rights reserved.

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