

In recent years there have been some marked changes in distribution of plant and animal species, terrestrial and marine, in the UK and a trend of movement northwards by 'warmth adapted' biota is now a recognised feature. Fair Isle is geographically ideally situated to monitor any changes in climate and species distribution.

New invertebrates for the Fair Isle list are an annual occurrence. This does not mean that they are all new arrivals, however, some recent additions are species which had probably been overlooked in the past.

The following is a selection of marine fauna which have been found by island residents whilst rock-pooling along accessible coast and shore areas of Fair Isle.

See FIMETI's annual Newsletter 'Making Waves' for latest species news and updates.

Small Cushion Star
Small Cushion Star
Asterina phylactica.
In 2013, Fair Isle children were heavily involved in monitoring the population growth of one special marine invertebrate, the small cushion star Asterina phylactica. The star is becoming well and truly established here at its northernmost World site following first arrival in 2009. Whereas in 2012 a small population was restricted to a single enclave within Smirri Geo, numbers have grown; individuals and groups are now distributed throughout the zone.
Mauve Stinger
Mauve Stinger
Pelagia noctiluca.
Another recent marine event was Fair Isle's first recorded large scale influx of the mauve stinger in autumn 2010. This is no longer a unique event as there were two invasions in 2012, large numbers being noted in North Haven and on its beach in late September and in early November. Increased abundance and concentrations of jellyfish in UK waters in recent years have been attributed to changes in ocean currents and imbalances in the food chain.
Montagu's Sea Snail and the molllusc Lamellaria perspicua
Montagu's Sea Snail and the molllusc Lamellaria perspicua
Live Cowrie Shell
Live Cowrie Shell
Sea Scorpion
Sea Scorpion
Sea Spider
Sea Spider
Small Cushion Star, Limpet and Hermit Crab
Small Cushion Star, Limpet and Hermit Crab
Sea Hare
Sea Hare
Aplysia punctata
Montagu's Sea Snail & worm parasite
Montagu's Sea Snail & worm parasite
Shanny Blenny
Shanny Blenny
Liophrys pholis
Spiny Starfish
Spiny Starfish
Skate Egg Sack
Skate Egg Sack
Skate egg sack, otherwise known as a mermaid's purse.

Underwater Kelp
Underwater Kelp
Small Cushion Star, Asterina phylactica
Small Cushion Star, Asterina phylactica
The rare Small Cushion Star Asterina phylactica was previously known only as far north as the Inner Hebrides, so the discovery of one near South Light by Henry Hyndman in April 2009 was a significant extension northwards. In 2014 a small colony of Small Cushion Stars was found in the same place at Smirri Geo.
Asteria rubens
Asteria rubens
Alcyonium digitatum
Alcyonium digitatum
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